Exploring Graphdiyne (GDY)
For the first time, we have demonstrated the application of MD simulations to provide precise insights into the intricate chemistry underlying the performance of intumescent flame-retardant coatings on polymer foam structures. The ReaxFF-MD simulation presents a new assessment approach to discover/design new flame-retardant coating formations with optimised chemical compositions for flame-retardant mechanisms (i.e. charring, dehydration, radical scavenging, flame inhibition, etc).
Publications Details
Chemical Engineering Journal 480, 148169, 2024. (link)
MD-ReaxFF and experiments were utilised to study the flame retardant(FR) mechanisms.
The pyrolysis hindrance offered by the FRs is elucidated by increasing C/H ratio.
FR chemistries such as dehydration, radical capture and charring were characterised.
Novel removal techniques were employed to predict char residue of HDPE and HDPE/FR.